Judged: Isaiah 14:1-32


Isaiah 14: 1-32

I.  The King of Babylon (vs. 1-21)

a. What promise of mercy is made in verses 1-2 for Israel?



b. Who will the proverb be about in verses 4-11?



c. What future does this passage see for the king of Babylon?

d. How do we know that the reference to Lucifer in verse 12 is really a continued description of the king of Babylon (see vs. 13)?  *We see similar typology used in Ezekiel 28:12-19 for the king of Tyre.

e. Ultimately, how will is go for the king of Babylon and his family?

 II. Babylon and Assyria Destroyed (vs. 22-27)

a. Who will the Lord cut off from Babylon?


b. To whom will God give Babylon as a possession?


c. What imagery does He use to show the extent of the destruction?



d. How certain is the destruction of Assyria?



e. Why are Babylon and Assyria slated for destruction?


III. Philistia Destroyed (vs. 28-32)

  1. The Philistines were rejoicing over the death of Ahaz.  Why would they rejoice and would their celebration last?
  1. If they viewed Ahaz as a serpent and rejoiced that he was gone what would rise from the serpent’s roots?
    (2 Kings 18:8)
  2. Would there be a remnant of Philistia?
  1. Why would Zion ultimately prevail (vs. 32)?

Application:  How certain are the things God has thought and declared that they will come to pass? 
Why should this give God’s people great comfort?