Introduction to Acts: January 4, 2024

Introduction to Acts

Acts 1:1-11

Background: Luke is recognized as the author of Acts although never explicitly declaring so.  Believed to be a Gentile (not specifically mentioned in Scripture or by early church fathers).  Luke was a physician who was known to be the traveling companion of Paul.  Acts is a history of the propagation of the early church and although referred to as the Acts of the Apostles would more aptly be described as the Acts of the Holy Spirit.  Dating is believed to be around 63 AD.  It was written to Theophilus  (lover of God) and may or may not have been an actual person.

I.  Jesus (vs. 1-3)

a. In what way does Luke indicate he had communicated what Jesus did and taught?


b. What might this other communication be?


c. How does verse 2 reflect the conclusion of Luke  (24:50-53)?

d. What proofs for Jesus are set forth?

II. The Promise of the Holy Spirit (vs. 4-8)

a. Why were the disciples commanded to remain in Jerusalem?


b. How is the reference to “the Promise of the Father” in verse 2 a parallel to John 14:15-18?


c. When Jesus was about to ascend what was foremost on the disciple’s minds?


d. What change would come about in the disciples as a result of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?


e. What would the Holy Spirit enable the disciples to do and where?

III. The Ascension of Christ (vs. 9-11)

       a. How did Jesus depart from the disciples?

       b. What was their response?

       c. What promise made in verse 11 still has the Church looking heaven-ward while we obediently witness earth-ward?

IV. Application:  Does the Holy Spirit still indwell, empower, and embolden us to witness?


