And the Place was Shaken: February 22, 2024


Acts 4:23-37

I. Let Go (vs 23-28)
   a. Looking back at what immediately preceded their release; why does the
    Scripture state they let them go?

   b. Considering that the disciples had, until just recently, been constrained by
    fear…how would their release embolden all the disciples?

   c. In their prayer of praise, the disciples see a fulfillment of Psalm 2:1-3.
     What vain things had the people plotted?

   d. How do Peter and the other disciples see the sovereignty of God at work
    using the Jews, Gentiles, and Herod, etc. for His purpose?

II. Make Us Bold (vs 29-37)
   a. Do the disciples ask that the threats be removed or something else?

   b. What purpose do the accompanying signs and wonders serve that are
    asked in verse 30?

   c. How does the Lord respond to the prayers of the disciples?

   d. It states that “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit”. This is now the
   second time…how many times can one be filled with the Holy Spirit?

   e. How many times is one “baptized” into the Spirit (saved)?
      (1 Corinthians 12:13)

   f. What was the evidence that they had been filled with the Holy Spirit here?
   g. How would you describe the actions of the multitude of disciples pertaining to their personal possessions?

   h. Barnabas was mentioned as an example of generosity, but what else is
    noteworthy in light of Scripture (Numbers 18:20, 24; Deuteronomy 10:9)?

   i. What did Barnabas do with the proceeds of his land sale?

Application: We are baptized once in the Holy Spirit which is the point of our
salvation. We are commanded t be filled with the Holy Spirit (Spirit controlled),
which should happen routinely for the believer. Why do believers need to be
filled with the Holy Spirit?


